Aufnahme vom Pascoe-Gebäude mit Biene im Vordergrund und Green Brand Germany Logo
Pascoe stands for high quality pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements

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Kurkuma Kapseln liposomal
Curcumin and vitamin C?
Kurkuma Kapseln liposomal

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Abbildung Packshot Pascoflair von Pascoe
Looking for inner calm?
Pascoflair with passionflower

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Hände halten eine grüne Weltkugel, um Internationalität zu symbolisieren
Pascoe international:
represented in more than 30 countries

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Pascoe – out of love for natural medicine

People throughout the world have been benefiting from our passion for natural medicine for three generations. Herbal and homeopathic drugs and high-dosage infusions of vitamin C and dietary supplements bring you health and quality of life. This takes you to our treasures of nature.

Our family company which specializes in natural remedies puts a premium on quality: This starts from selecting plant-based raw materials from sustainable ecological cultivation and extends throughout the production process to the finished drugs and our customer service. Pascoe Naturmedizin is within the TOP100 of the most innovative mid-sized German companies and was also the first pharmaceutical company worldwide to receive the GREEN BRANDS Award. Do you wish to learn more about our quality standards or join the Pascoe team? Unearth more exciting details about our company.

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