Bronchopas 50 ml Packshot PZN 00985119
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Colds & infections

Bronchopas Tropfen Homeopathic medicine for respiratory disorders

The benefits of Bronchopas® Tropfen at a glance:

  • for the treatment of spasmodic coughing, e.g. in case of bronchitis or asthma
  • gently relieves the urge to cough and shortness of breath
  • natural medicine with 5 homeopathic active substances
  • no known side effects
  • approved from 1 year of age
Product information
Package sizesPZN
50 ml00985119
Suitability: aged 1 and above

For information for pregnant women and nursing mothers, please refer to the package insert.

Coughing: both friend and foe

As useful as the cough reflex is for expelling foreign substances from the airways, it can be excruciating if it “becomes established”. It often leads to sleepless nights in both adults and children, or to soreness in the respiratory muscles.
Bronchopas® Tropfen naturally relieve spasmodic coughing.


Unless otherwise prescribed:

Adults and adolescents aged 12 years and older
Acute: take 5 drops every half hour to one hour, no more than 6 times per day.
Chronic: take 5 drops 1 to 3 times a day.

Children between 6 and 12 years of age.  
(no more than two-thirds of the adult dose)
Acute: 3-4 drops every half hour to one hour, no more than 6 times per day.
Chronic: take 3-4 drops 1 to 3 times a day.

Small children up to 6 years of age  
(no more than half of the adult dose)
Acute: 2-3 drops every half hour to one hour, no more than 6 times per day.
Chronic: take 2-3 drops 1 to 3 times a day.

10 g (= 10.7 ml) contain:

active substance 
Antimonium arsenicosum Dil. D82 g
Ipecacuanha Dil. D42 g
Lobelia inflata Dil. D42 g
Eriodictyon californicum Dil. D22 g

Grindelia robusta Dil. D2

2 g

Contains 48% alcohol by volume.

Bronchopas ® Tropfen
The indications are derived from the homeopathic drug pictures. These include: Improvement of the symptoms of spasmodic coughing. Contains 48% alcohol by volume.
For risks and side effects, please read the package leaflet and ask your doctor or at your pharmacy.
Pascoe pharmazeutische Präparate GmbH, D-35383 Giessen

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