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Calycast Injektopas

Registered homeopathic medicine, therefore without specification of a therapeutic indication

Registered homeopathic medicinal products do not contain information on their therapeutic indication. They are individually selected for you by your doctor or alternative practitioner based on the homeopathic drug pictures. The drug pictures of the individual components can provide indications of the direction of action of the complex remedy. Please ask your homeopathic doctor, alternative practitioner or pharmacist for information!

Do not self-treat with injections.
The injection therapy should be administered by a doctor or alternative practitioner.


Unless otherwise prescribed, inject 2 ml solution for injection intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously 1 to 3 times a week.


Product information
Package sizesPZN
10 pcs.14406987
100 pcs.14406993
Suitability: aged 12 and above

For information for pregnant women and nursing mothers, please refer to the package insert.

1 vial (2 ml) contains:

Panax ginseng Ø5.0 mg
Agnus castus Dil. D212.5 mg
Agnus castus Dil. D312.5 mg
Agnus castus Dil. D41.25 mg
Agnus castus Dil. D8125.0 mg
Caladium seguinum (HAB 1934) Dil. D4 (HAB, specification 3a)126.3 mg
Cobaltum metallicum Dil. D883.3 mg
Cobaltum metallicum Dil. D1084.2 mg
Cobaltum metallicum Dil. D1884.2 mg

The other ingredients are: Sodium chloride, water for injection.

Calycast® Injektopas
Registered homeopathic medicine, therefore without specification of a therapeutic indication. For disease symptoms persisting during use, seek medical advice. Contains sodium chloride.
For risks and side effects, please read the package leaflet and ask your doctor or at your pharmacy.
Pascoe pharmazeutische Präparate GmbH, D-35383 Giessen

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